Rights & Reproductions

For permission to reproduce an image(s) or other content on this site in a print or electronic publication (or in another format or medium), please submit your permission request for consideration to Shoshanna Weinberger’s studio directly via email:

Email: shoshanna.weinberger@gmail.com

Your request should include your full contact information and details on the requested use, including, as applicable: the image(s) or other content you wish to reproduce, your planned format of reproduction (e.g., print, promotion, online), the title of publication, name of publisher, lifetime printing or number of anticipated users, territory of distribution, tentative date for publication, and if merchandise tentative price to be charged.

Shoshanna Weinberger gives permission for limited reproduction of the images and content on this site for educational, non-commercial purposes such as face-to-face classroom instruction, lectures and online distance education offered to students by nonprofit educational institutions. All such use should include the following credit line (below): © Shoshanna Weinberger (current year)

Please note artist is a “Caribbean-American, born Kingston, Jamaica” when referencing biographic history.

Social media tags, please use: @shoshannaweinberger (IG) or Shoshanna Weinberger (FB)